MS Alternative Healing Center

Welcome to this site of profound, innate and inner self healing.

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Free Half Hour Phone Consult
or to ask questions
303-465-9200 mst

Healing Services

Exploring Energetic Healing of Multiple Sclerosis

Welcome to this amazing form of energetic and innate inner healing. Its source is you. It is connecting and activating the innate ability that we are all born with but seldom hear about. It is very deep and extremely powerful, profound and totally natural. It works astonishingly well, as it is designed to do. Just as your body will naturally heal a cut on your finger, so can it heal MS, Cancer and any other illness or injury. It simply requires that you learn how to connect to and activate it.

I am delighted to assist and support you in this process. To help you become aware of what your body is asking for through the illness or injury and how it wants you to heal it. If you listen, it will guide you every step of the way to your intentional and complete healing.

This form of healing is a full body, full being, full life healing. It requires that the entire being on all layers comes into balance and alignment with your natural state of wellness and health. This is how healing works. The more committed you are in this healing process, the more you will receive. I am committed to guiding, educating and supporting you in this profound healing experience that your body/being may have been asking for, for a long time.

The following forms of deep healing services are available for individuals, family members, healthcare professionals, business professionals, spiritual seekers and teachers of any faith throughout the world.

It is applicable for all illnesses, injuries and dysfunctions.

These healing services are provided by Christine Albright a trained and certified professional energetic, quantum, intuitive and spiritual healer who has completely healed her body/being of multiple sclerosis. It is provided with the deep love and care that is the essence of this healing modality.

Initial Consultation:

  • In-depth review of your current state and what is the best course for your specific healing process?

  • What do you, your body/being need and want to receive from this healing?

  • What is the best course to support you in this deep healing process and in your life’s healing?

Taking it Deeper:

  • How to connect to, and use this form of healing to integrate the deep healing energies of Love, God (whatever that is for you) and your Innate Inner Healer.

  • Newly diagnosed – this is an alternative, hopeful and successful option to traditional treatments. Best course for you to begin with.

  • MS Nutrition – listening to what your body is telling you it needs from you to heal and how to follow through with its requests. The body knows how to heal itself and will tell you exactly what you need to heal. You just need to learn to listen and do what it asks of you.


In person, distance (via phone) healing services
Available locally and across the Globe

  • Energetic/Spiritual Deep healing SessionsIndividual, one on one deep healing sessions to connect you to your body and deep being’s innate and profound ability to heal itself. Connection to your “Source” of healing. Learn to hear what your body/being is telling you why you have this illness and what it needs from you to heal.

  • MS Support GroupsIn person and Tele-support Groups – Positive based deep healings and teachings. Support of each other and sharing of the path of healing, interactive. Sharing successes and inspirations of individual healings.

  • Free half hour consultationAnswer questions and learn more about this healing modality, how it can assist you.
    By appointment – call 303/465-9200 or email.

  • Healing CD’sTV Interview, Healing Processes, Healing/Spiritual Meditations. Deep Relaxation. Great to have at home for constant support.

  • Lectures and Workshopsas scheduled

  • Classes in Self Healing – as scheduled

I look forward to supporting and guiding your deep and complete healing through your natural healing energies of Love, God and the Innate Inner Healer!

Deep Blessings, Christine Albright

For more information please contact me at or call 303/465-9200 MST.

We so look forward to supporting you in this extraordinary and deeply innate healing process!