MS Alternative Healing Center

Welcome to this site of profound, innate and inner self healing.

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Portrait of Christine

A Spiritual Approach to Multiple Sclerosis

Welcome to this site of profound, innate and inner self healing.  

This site is dedicated to the healing of Multiple Sclerosis and other illnesses and injuries. It honors the body’s and deep being’s innate ability to heal itself. We are all intrinsically born with this most powerful and profound ability to self heal, though are rarely exposed to in this culture.

For all those who seek to connect, listen to, honor and activate their deep, true and innate ability to heal themselves and the ms.

For those willing to go beyond themselves, yet delve deeply into themselves in search of their truth of healing, for that which is available to us all, at all times.

The awareness that loving one’s self, and the illness, is a profound portal into the necessary healing of one’s body and truest, being.

That this healing ability is made available to us all, through the deep and complete surrender to a divine power – greater than ourselves or the illness.

For all those who have expressed, that they “know,” that healing this, or any “incurable” illness is possible.  And for the many who simply don’t yet know how to access this healing.  This site, honoring and supporting your innate ability to heal,this or any illness, is for YOU.

Please read on…

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Deep Energetic Healing Sessions:

This is the deepest form of healing available. It is a connection of the heart and soul of the participant and requires a full surrender to God or higher energy. The session begins with a healing prayer to open the energy and connect to God or a higher realm. Followed by a deep, full relaxation and moving from the mind to the heart which will reveal what the person needs to know and be aware of for the healing session. Also, listening to the body which will tell what is needed to heal from the physical level. This is healing on the physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and energetic levels. It is healing from the inside out.

Support Groups:

These support groups are positive based and interactive with the participants.

It begins with a connecting and deepening of the energies of each person. Christine will the do a relaxation to bring each person into their hearts and out of their heads. Each participant can then share what they want to share or express or ask questions of Christine or the group for their individual support.


These classes are available to support and educate people who are interested in healing themselves. It contains all the fundamentals of the healing sessions provided by Christine.


These lecture are provided as a form of interactive and educational information to support and enlighten people who are interested in knowing more before the commit to a healing session or for general information on energetic and spiritual healing.


As a clairvoyant, Christine can read a person and what their energy is expressing and then talking to the person decide on a form of action that will bring the person into harmony with themselves.


Through  my own complete healing of Multiple Sclerosis, it is my profound pleasure to share with you and those seeking a deeper reality and truth in the treatment and healing of their illness, injury or situation.

I am honored to provide guidance and answers through my own healing discoveries of MS. Reinforced and refined by a formal three year education that exactly mirrored my healing process at the Jaffe Institute of Spiritual and Medical Healing.

Please allow the information in this site to open your deep heart, nurture your soul and gently guide you into your truest healing.

Your body is waiting for your attention – to connect, listen and attend to what it is asking for from you to heal.

 Your Body Knows How to Heal Itself!

Listen to what it tells you and HEAL.