MS Alternative Healing Center

Welcome to this site of profound, innate and inner self healing.

Call us:
Free Half Hour Phone Consult
or to ask questions
303-465-9200 mst

About Us

About this Healing Center:

One morning in 1994, after the healing of my MS was complete, I awoke to a very clear and detailed vision of an alternative healing center I was internally instructed to provide. Its purpose was to help people with MS and other illnesses (as this form of healing works for all ailments) using this extraordinary, innate healing process that I had discovered in my own healing of MS.

Now sixteen years later, my vision for this healing center, that was originally a physical location, providing all the necessary healing elements to those dealing with and searching for deeper answers regarding the treatment of their MS and other illnesses, would take on a drastic metamorphosis that I never saw coming in the early stages of this vision.

With the emergence of the internet and with so many people contacting me nationally and internationally searching for a deeper, truer form of healing, this healing center has become a virtual alternative healing center. One that anyone, anywhere at any time can connect to at their leisure and comfort, through the worldwide internet and deeply benefit from the information provided on this site.

It is time that this new paradigm of healing is made public and available to everyone who “knows” somewhere in their deeper being that there must be something more available to help them. There is, and it is within you naturally. Allow us to help you discover what you already know.

This center provides the healing elements and teachings to inspire, ignite and activate the healing truths that dwell deeply within each of us. Its intention is to help and to support you, the people, to connect with their own innate ability to heal. And to provide the guidance, inspiration and necessary elements on how to get to the internal portal that will guide you to your own unique healing process.

To walk with you, energetically holding you and help guide you through your deep heart, listening to and connecting with that higher internal wisdom that will usher you along as you surrender to and receive from this innate and profound inner healing journey.

This center provides a full scale array of healing elements to direct you to the necessary information that will support and guide you to your deepest healing. Making this available to people in the comfort of their homes through the following elements:

All services are available in person or via the phone.

  • Initial Consultation and discussion: Review and discussion of your specific needs and desires for healing. Set healing path in motion.

  • Deep Energetic, Quantum, Intuitive and Spiritual Healing Sessions: Includes deep visualized full body relaxation, healing meditations and deep heart connection practices. Connecting you to your highest source for healing. Intuitive guidance and teachings to support and deepen your internal connection.

  • Touch Healing Sessions: specializing in deep pain relief and release of internal blockages.

  • Support Groups – Positive based, healing focused, deep heart teachings and relaxation. Interactive group support and discussion.

  • Counseling – newly diagnosed guidance, nutrition, general healing process and teachings.

  • Follow up and reflection. Review past healing process.

  • CD’s and DVD – TV Interview, healing process, spiritual healing meditation and relaxation. Great for at home practices.

  • You Tube video reflecting this healing process with additional information.

  • Classes on self healing

  • Healing Book – reflecting this healing process. Coming soon

This will be an ongoing evolution process of providing necessary healing services as needed.

Half hour free consultation is available to further discuss this healing process and answer any questions you may have.

Please call to schedule an appointment. 303-465-9200 mst.

We look forward to serving and supporting you in your healing process.